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Типы изданий: все бесплатные
    134 Cs,  137 Cs,  40 K,  232 T ,   226 Ra in bottom sediments of the Dvina Bay on the White  Sea (the Suhoe Sea Gulf)

134 Cs, 137 Cs, 40 K, 232 T , 226 Ra in bottom sediments of the Dvina Bay on the White Sea (the Suhoe Sea Gulf)

The Suhoe Sea Gulf is a unique White Sea water body. Taking into account the risk of contamination of the White Sea with radionuclides as a result of...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Experimental determination of porosity and permeability properties of terrigenous reservoirs for creation and validation of a digital core model

Experimental determination of porosity and permeability properties of terrigenous reservoirs for creation and validation of a digital core model

Digital core modelling is a vital task assessing original-oil-in-place. This technology can be seen as an additional tool for physical experiments...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Formation of defused stress areas in the Earth’s crust of the Kola region and associated environmental risks in capital construction

Formation of defused stress areas in the Earth’s crust of the Kola region and associated environmental risks in capital construction

This work has been carried out using methods of numerical modeling to detect weakened zones in the basement of the region in regard to the...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Hard-to-recover, high quality  oils in the Russian Arctic

Hard-to-recover, high quality oils in the Russian Arctic

The paper presents an analysis of the physico-chemical properties of hard-to-recover, high quality oils in the Russian sector of the Arctic. In view...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Method for the monitoring of hydrate formation process in intrafield flowlines

Method for the monitoring of hydrate formation process in intrafield flowlines

During the production of gas in the Far North and the Arctic, the formation of hydrate and ice plugs in intrafield flowlines is a major concern. The...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Modeling spatial structure of thermokarst lake fields in permafrost of Western Siberia based on satellite images

Modeling spatial structure of thermokarst lake fields in permafrost of Western Siberia based on satellite images

Deciphering the satellite images of medium and high spatial resolution of the northern territories of Western Siberia has been carried out using...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Spatial distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in the soils of Naryan-Mar

Spatial distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in the soils of Naryan-Mar

The objective of the research is to identify the main patterns of spatial distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides (RN) in...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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T  ermal regime of water courses of  di

T ermal regime of water courses of di

Evaluation of hydrological parameters and temperature regime of watercourses of various orders comes to the fore when studying the scientific...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Updated data on the current seismicity of the White Sea and the Karelian region during the period 2005–2016

Updated data on the current seismicity of the White Sea and the Karelian region during the period 2005–2016

This article is the result of previous studies to clarify the seismicity of the White sea, supplemented by similar studies on the continental part of...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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Viscous and heavy oils of Arctic zone

Viscous and heavy oils of Arctic zone

The paper presents the comparative analysis of physicochemical properties of oils in North American, Scandinavian, and Russian sectors of the...

Тип произведения: Архив статей

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09.12.2024Все новости

Издательства повышают цены на книги

Издательства вынуждены повысить цены на книги из-за роста стоимости полиграфии

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