BUCKWHEAT IN THE CONSERVATION OF INSECTS SPECIES DIVERSITYBUCKWHEAT IN THE CONSERVATION OF INSECTS SPECIES DIVERSITY Buckwheat - one of the most important of the field rotation crop, attracting and keeping a large number of insects. Entomocenosis of a buckwheat field consists of more than 170 species of insects pollinators, phytophags, entomophags. The dominant species are pollinators; there are about 90 species of them. They feed on nectar, pick up it and make pollination possible. Bee honey, wild bees, bumblebees, wasps, other hymenopterans, dipterous, beetles are widely spread. All of them are polytrophs - they visit many species of flowering plants, including buckwheat. Insects-phytophagous is the second largest group; about 50 species feed on seeds, roots, shoots and vegetating plants until the crop harvesting. The third group of insects, whose imagos feed on flowers and larvae (and sometimes imago) hymnical or parasitize on phytophags of buckwheat and on other crop rotation fields or on neighboring natural biotic communities: Coccinellidae, Chrisopidae, Syrphidae, Tachinidae, Phasiae, parasitic hymeonopterans. These insects need not only buckwheat plants, but also its phytophags that are food for their larvae. Entomophags is a group which includes about 30 species. The fifth group of insects is real predators - includes Carabidae and Staphylinidae mainly. The sixth group is insects, occasional visitors of buckwheat agrobiocenosis. Relations between insects, living in the buckwheat field, with other biocenosis components, are generally trophic (direct and indirect): «plants - insects phytophags»; «plants - insects phytophags - entomophags», «insects «neutrals» - entomophags»; and phoryc (zoochory): plants - insects pollinators. Topical communications appear under the influence of the plant defining living conditions of phytophags and entomophags (buckwheat crops as a habitat of insects with granting possibility of a shelter, a meeting of genders, reproduction and habitation of different stages of evolution). doi: 10.15217/279699 Итого: 90.00руб. Купить Вы можете купить электронную версию издания «BUCKWHEAT IN THE CONSERVATION OF INSECTS SPECIES DIVERSITY». После оплаты (для архивов) оно будет доступно в Личном Кабинете в разделе «Электронные издания». В случае оформления подписки, издание будет доступно по мере поступления от издателя. Формат PDF/HTML. Стоимость — от 90.00 руб. |