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Kazakh Translations of M. Lermontov: “Alien” Text and Word-for-Word Translation

Kazakh Translations of M. Lermontov: “Alien” Text and Word-for-Word Translation

Kazakh Translations of M. Lermontov: “Alien” Text and Word-for-Word Translation

In Kazakh translations of M. Yu. Lermontov’s works in the 80-90-s, the combination of precise and free translations is observed with prevailing exact ones. From the 20-30-s up to present days, the same works of the Russian classicist are the objects of word-for-word translation. The aim of this article is an intention to understand the reasons of prevailing word-for-word translations and to generalize wide-spread methods of its transfer. Non-randomness of prevailing word-for-word translation in the reviewed sphere is justiёed by the structure of the Kazakh language, correlation of the direct and indirect expressions in the translated text, relations of the signiёcant with the signiёed. Such an approach allowed justifying the conception on word-for-word translation as an analytical one. Other repeated, stable methods of meanings transfer also attract attention in word-for-word translation. It is a subjective and depictive descriptiveness and such relations between the expression and the graphics as the system of label relations, traditional symbolic character of the Kazakh poetic language that stipulate the rhetorical textual ёgures. The results of the project can be applied in theory and practice of literary translation, history of literature.

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