The Gravity of a Crime in Selection and Application of the Remand in Custody as a Pre-trial Restraint: Problems of Legal Regulation and Current PracticeThe Gravity of a Crime in Selection and Application of the Remand in Custody as a Pre-trial Restraint: Problems of Legal Regulation and Current Practice The article examines the impact of the crime severity on application of the remand in custody basing on the analysis of works of procedural law researchers, rules of law, investigation and judicial practice, including the European Human Rights miracle. The article considers the problems of legal regulation and the current practice. The author concludes and provides recommendations for law enforcers how to differentiate between the data on the severity of the crime and similar concepts when deciding to apply the remand of custody, as well the proper use of such data in practice in order to comply with the requirements of the law, the adoption of lawful, reasoned and motivated decision regarding the remand of custody Итого: 150.00руб. Купить Вы можете купить электронную версию издания «The Gravity of a Crime in Selection and Application of the Remand in Custody as a Pre-trial Restraint: Problems of Legal Regulation and Current Practice». После оплаты (для архивов) оно будет доступно в Личном Кабинете в разделе «Электронные издания». В случае оформления подписки, издание будет доступно по мере поступления от издателя. Формат PDF/HTML. Стоимость — от 150.00 руб. |