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The Rights of the Indigenous Numerically-Small Peoples of the Russian Federation in Practice of High and Regional Courts // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach, 5th edition, Vol. 1. Humanities and social sciences, CA, USA, B&M Publishing, 2015. PP. 83–96.

The Rights of the Indigenous Numerically-Small Peoples of the Russian Federation in Practice of High and Regional Courts // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach, 5th edition, Vol. 1. Humanities and social sciences, CA, USA, B&M Publishing, 2015. PP. 83–96.

The Rights of the Indigenous Numerically-Small Peoples of the Russian Federation in Practice of High and Regional Courts // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach, 5th edition, Vol. 1. Humanities and social sciences, CA, USA, B&M Publishing, 2015. PP. 83–96.

The protection of indigenous numerically-small peoples' rights in the Russian Federation is inconceivable without scrutiny of the court practice and case law based on this issue. Particular attention should be paid to the practice of high courts which de facto is obligatory for all subordinate levels of Russian unitary court system. It seems important to describe the most significant court decisions which form the unified law-enforcement practice to be taken into account by indigenous communities and organizations of Russia

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