Reduction of Energy Consumption of Paper-And Cardboard Machines while Production of Glued Paper and Cardboard = Снижение энергопотребления бумагоделательных и картоноделательных машин при производстве клееных видов бумаги и картонаReduction of Energy Consumption of Paper-And Cardboard Machines while Production of Glued Paper and Cardboard = Снижение энергопотребления бумагоделательных и картоноделательных машин при производстве клееных видов бумаги и картона The objective of this research was to conduct studies of the influence of the sizing
complexes dimensions and rosin sizing methods proceeding in the modes of
homocoagulation and heteroadagulation on the temperature regime of paper and cardboard
drying. The drying regime ensures the sintering and melting processes of coarse (existing
technology) and fine (developed technology) sizing complexes with the formation of a
hydrophobic film on the surface, responsible for such values indicators for glued types of
paper and cardboard, as the degree of sizing by the bar method and absorbency with onesided wetting. Coarse electroneutral sizing complexes gauged 4200–6000 nm are formed in
the second phase of electrolyte coagulation of hydrodispersions of modified rosin (HMR).
The ratio of HMR : electrolyte is 1: 3. The rosin sizing process takes place in the mode of
homocoagulation, since such complexes are not able to distribute evenly and adhere firmly
to the surface of the fibers and the hydrophobic film formed of them is heterogeneous in
thickness and area. Fine sizing complexes have a size of 180–220 nm and an electrokinetic
potential from +30 to +50 mV. They are peptized particles formed from coagulates
(2000 nm), first formed in the first area of electrolyte coagulation of HMR, when the ratio of
HMR : electrolyte (first batch) is 1 : 1, and then subjected to further disaggregation
(peptization) into the presence of peptide ions Al3+, introduced into the pulp with the second
portion of the electrolyte in a ratio of 1 : 0.8. It has been established that reducing the size of
sizing complexes from 4200–6000 to 180–220 nm due to the shift of the rosin sizing process
from the homocoagulation mode to the heteroadagulation mode helps to reduce energy
consumption in the drying part of paper-making and cardboard-making machines by 2–3 %
or more. This process is facilitated by lowering the temperature of not only the last 4–6
drying cylinders located at the end of the second group – from 130 to 115–120 °C, but also
the first 2–4 drying cylinders of the third group – from 115 to 100–105 °C.
For citation: Chernaya N.V., Fleisher V.L., Bogdanovich N.I. Reduction of Energy
Consumption of Paper аnd Cardboard Machines in Production of Glued Paper and Cardboard.
Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 5, pp. 188–193. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-
1036.2019.5.188. Итого: 0.00руб. Электронное издание «Reduction of Energy Consumption of Paper-And Cardboard Machines while Production of Glued Paper and Cardboard = Снижение энергопотребления бумагоделательных и картоноделательных машин при производстве клееных видов бумаги и картона» (бесплатно). Скачать номера в формате PDF. |