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Solving the problem of reducing the influence of lateral force on the Saw blade Stability = Решение задачи снижения влияния боковой силы на устойчивость пильного полотна

Solving the problem of reducing the influence of lateral force on the Saw blade Stability = Решение задачи снижения влияния боковой силы на устойчивость пильного полотна

Solving the problem of reducing the influence of lateral force on the Saw blade Stability = Решение задачи снижения влияния боковой силы на устойчивость пильного полотна

The accuracy of the thickness of lumber is one of the most important indicators of sawing. It is inextricably linked with saw stabilization in the plane of the greatest stiffness. The aim of the study is to eliminate the influence of lateral force on the saw blade and the thickness of the resulting lumber. The issue of eliminating the influence of lateral force in frame sawing and sawing on band saws belongs to the constructive decision in combination with the analytical one according to classical methods. Therefore, the most important issue in the development of a new machine is to identify the presence of a huge range of frequencies of natural and parametric oscillations of saw blades. Previously, these frequencies could not be analytically found to the full extent and, respectively, the tuning out the machine operating frequencies of the possible oscillation frequencies of saw blades could not be carried out. Due to the complexity and the science intensity of the problem solving, it is not conceivable without modern numerical methods of calculation. Among them are the finite element method, modern software of NX and ANSYS, as well as other original programs. One of such methods, which allow to reduce the influence of lateral force, is determination of stability of the plane form of bending by the Euler

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