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Dependence of proportions and seasonal application of saponite water suspension as ameliorant on acidic properties of soil

Dependence of proportions and seasonal application of saponite water suspension as ameliorant on acidic properties of soil

Dependence of proportions and seasonal application of saponite water suspension as ameliorant on acidic properties of soil

Increased soil acidity remains one of the important problems in world agriculture, especially relevant for the Northern territories, Traditionally, it is solved using lime ameliorants. Searching for new ameliorants that are just as effective, but at the same time are more are more accessible to certain areas is a promising direction for the development of agricultural science. Saponite water suspension can become effective ameliorant to improve acidic properties of soil on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region (Russia). This is possible due to the unique properties of saponite, its availability and the presence of large reserves in the region. This article presents the results of an experiment conducted in the Kholmogorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region (Russia) on sod-weak podzolic loam tame soil to identify the effect of saponite water suspension on acidic properties of soil under a naked fallow condition. The experiment proves the dependence of the seasonality of application, the different proportions of saponite water suspension and changes in pH and hydrolytic acidity, as well as the estimation of the most effective proportions of saponite water suspension to improve acidic properties of soil and revealed differences in the influence of seasonal application on the manifestations of the deoxidizing ability of saponite water suspension.

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