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Plywood and Thermal Insulation Boards Based on the Modified Phenol Formaldehyde Binder =

Plywood and Thermal Insulation Boards Based on the Modified Phenol Formaldehyde Binder =

Plywood and Thermal Insulation Boards Based on the Modified Phenol Formaldehyde Binder =

The lower curing temperature of phenol formaldehyde binder allows reducing the costs of producing cellulose-containing materials, such as FSF plywood and thermal insulation composites made of plant wastes. However, the low-temperature production mode provides an insufficient degree of the phenol formaldehyde binder curing, leading to a decrease in water resistance of material based on the phenol formaldehyde binder. A modifier should be added to the phenol formaldehyde binder to reduce the amount of free hydroxymethylol groups in the cured binder and to form a stronger cross-linked structure in low-temperature curing conditions. Hydrogen peroxide was used as a phenol formaldehyde binder modifier in this research. The research results confirmed the hypothesis about the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the intensification of the structure formation of cellulose-containing materials based on the phenol formaldehyde binder. In conditions of low-temperature curing (120 °C for FSF plywood and 100 °C for thermal insulation composites made of plant wastes) modification of phenol formaldehyde binder with hydrogen peroxide reduced the binder curing time, the pressing time of FSF plywood, improved the physical and mechanical properties of FSF plywood and thermal insulation composites made of cellulose-containing filler (soft wood waste and irrecoverable flax spinning waste). When 1.0 % of hydrogen peroxide is added to the binder, the binder curing time reduces by 43.6 %. The addition of 1.0 % of hydrogen peroxide increased the shear strength of FSF plywood by 4.4 % and the static bending strength of plywood by 4.8 %. Modification of the binder with hydrogen peroxide increased water resistance of FSF plywood: plywood thickness swelling has been reduced by 2 % over 24 h in water. The strength of thermal insulation composites made of cellulose-containing wastes increased by 5.2 % with the addition of 1.0 % of hydrogen peroxide, thickness swelling decreased by 4.9 % over 24 h. The obtained research results allow recommending a modifying additive of hydrogen peroxide to phenol formaldehyde binder in an amount of 1.0 % of resin mass to increase the strength properties of FSF plywood and thermal insulation composites made of plant wastes. For citation: Vakhnina T.N., Fedotov A.A., Susoeva I.V., Rumyantseva V.E. Plywood and Thermal Insulation Boards Based on the Modified Phenol Formaldehyde Binder. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2022, no. 1, pp. 155–165. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036- 2022-1-155-165 Funding: The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR and the Administration of the Kostroma region within the framework of the scientific project No. 19-43-440001.

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