Introduction to NanotechnologyIntroduction to Nanotechnology The basic concepts and definitions, the history of the development of nanotechnology, their potential and development prospects are considered. The classification of nanomaterials is presented, the structural features of nanomaterials, size effects, and properties of nanoobjects are considered. The main approaches and technologies for producing nanomaterials, methods for studying nanoscale structures are presented, the diagnostic features and metrology problems in the field of nanotechnology are considered. Итого: 190.00руб. Купить Вы можете купить электронную версию издания «Introduction to Nanotechnology». После оплаты (для архивов) оно будет доступно в Личном Кабинете в разделе «Электронные издания». В случае оформления подписки, издание будет доступно по мере поступления от издателя. Формат PDF/HTML. Стоимость — от 190.00 руб. |